Have you ever seen a cosmetics product ad that promises white skin in a short amount of time? You should be vigilant. It is possible that one of the active ingredients that are often used in such products is mercury which has harmful effects on health.
Mercury is a chemical that can be found as an additive in skin lightening soaps and creams, as well as preservatives for cosmetic products, especially for mascara products and eye makeup remover.
Mercury is very popular to be used in the content of whitening products because of its ability to inhibit the formation of melanin, so the skin looks brighter in a short time. Yet behind that, mercury is actually very dangerous. Then you should be wary of products that contain mercury.
Mercury Products Circulating in Indonesia
Mercury in cosmetic products is used mostly as a whitening agent. Some types of cosmetic products are soap, skin care creams, and face creams for day and night use. In Indonesia, the use of mercury in these products has been banned based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 1175 / Menkes / Per / VIII / 2010 Year 2010 concerning Cosmetics Production Permit. Then, it was clarified in the Regulation of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) Number HK. of 2011 concerning Technical Requirements for Cosmetic Materials. Throughout 2014, BPOM has withdrawn around 68 cosmetic products with hazardous substances from circulation, and in the first semester of 2016, BPOM also discovered 43 other cosmetics containing dangerous products, including products containing mercury. BPOM also publishes public warnings about dangerous products, so that it is widely known. However, the actual use of mercury is not completely prohibited. Based on the appendix from the Head of BPOM Regulation mentioned two types of mercury that are allowed in levels of 0.007% and are only for use in eye makeup products and eye makeup remover. The use of mercury other than for the product is considered as misuse and the product is prohibited from being marketed. Which then needs to watch out, most dangerous cosmetics are sold in unofficial cosmetics shops, online, and through freelance marketers. These products do not use the BPOM label, and usually without clear usage instructions, and sometimes write product information in foreign languages.Risk of Health Problems Due to Mercury
The use of mercury in cosmetics is now proven dangerous and prohibited in various countries, because these chemicals can be easily absorbed by the skin and enter the bloodstream. Mercury is corrosive to the skin. This means applying mercury to the skin will make the skin layer thinner. High exposure to mercury can cause damage to the digestive tract, nervous system, and kidneys. In addition, mercury is also at risk of disrupting various organs of the body, such as the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, to the immune system. The entry of mercury into the body, can cause poisoning of mercury. Symptoms of mercury poisoning, characterized by:- Insomnia.
- Headache.
- Cognitive function and memory decline.
- Experiencing tremors.
- Emotional change.
- Sensory disorders. Including the ability to see, hear, and speak.
- Decreased ability of the senses pera
- Decreased body coordination function.
- Muscle atrophy.
- Kidney failure.
Protect Yourself from Mercury Exposure
As a consumer, you need to be careful when using cosmetic products. Do not be tempted by instant results, which turned out to be dangerous for health. The following are some ways to choose mercury-free cosmetic products.- Check the labels of skin lightening products, antiaging, or other skin products you use. If it contains the word "mercury" or mercurous chloride, calomel, mercuric, or mercurio, then stop using it immediately and consult a dermatologist.
- Products with high mercury levels can usually be identified by their gray or beige texture.
- Make sure the product you are using is registered with BPOM.
- Avoid using products with labels in foreign languages that you cannot understand.
- Ask your doctor about the possible content of mercury in the cosmetic products you are going to use.
- If you feel exposed to a product that contains mercury, wash your hands and body parts immediately exposed to the product. If necessary, consult a doctor.
- Before disposing of mercury-containing products, put them in a plastic bag or a place that does not leak.
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